Articles about the Circuit Navigation System
CirNavSys in schools and universities
This article describes how the students and teachers can use the CirNavSys to learn and teach electric circuits. Spoiler: It makes the life easier for both. View here.
CirNavSys against the shortage of engineers
This article describes how a widespread use of CirNavSys in teaching can reduce the dropout rate and thus counteract the shortage of electrical engineers and electrical technicians. View here.
CirNavSys in engineering
An article that describes how the CirNavSys can be used for creating better circuits in less time.
View here.
CirNavSys as technology driver
An article that describes how the CirNavSys will change the way electric engineers will be working in the future, and how this will also have an effect on other professions.
Written in german language. View here.
Background story. Vision. Program.
A description who wrote this program and why. Also contains technical details. View here.